• Exposing for the highlights, one of my favorite techniques, will bring down the mid and dark tones; thus increasing contrast and color saturation.
  • In other words, if the camera sensor told me this scene should’ve been photographed at 1/500th of a second- keeping all other variables the same- I usually override the camera reading and underexpose by a factor of -.5 stop at first, then – 1 stop, then -1.5 stop until I get the desired result.
  • Adding a human figure to your composition gives the viewer not only something to relate to but it also gives them a size- reference point.

TECH STUFF: #nikonZ7  /  14-30 4.0 S  /  ISO 250  / F 22/  1/2,000th  / WB A


NOTE:  During these Times of Pandemic, I have made it a point to, every once in a while, visit some of the National Monuments in DC including the Air Force National Memorial in Arlington, VA near the Pentagon. This striking sculpture, which is one of the least known, depicts the contrails of three jets in the “Missing Man Formation.”

However, it is very hard to photograph because of its gigantic size, which can only be done with a super-wide lens. Thus, the use of the 14-30 wide-angle lens.

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